Our Three Children Part Two

Dinner party invite teaser


This is a tiny picture!  I didn’t realize how small it was going to turn out to be.  Anyway…12 lucky friends will be receiving one of these in the mail in the coming weeks.  I very much hope that all of them can make it to the first annual February Feast at our house!

If any of them can’t make it we have back-ups.  This year is Tuscan Farmhouse Dinner, it’s going to be awesome.

Here is the memory of Marcella’s second child, Jack.

“Jack Wesly Heuton was born at St. Anthony’s Hospital on October 12, 1932 – a 10 lbs. 7 oz. healthy little guy.  I guess all three of our children were very healthy, happy little ones.  I’m sure I expected a little girl this time so I’m afraid his layette may have been a little overdone.  An elderly woman in Dad’s neighborhood remarked, “You can’t see the baby for the lace and the ribbons.”

Jack was a good baby, content to sit on a blanket and play with his toys.  We had a two-wheel wicker go-cart to take him shopping in on Saturday nights.  People would often stop us to see the cute little smiling baby.  He was a very friendly baby.  When he was 10 months old, I took him up to the hospital to see a young 16 yr. old friend of mine who was dying.  She often walked out to the farm to stay with us.  I remember what her last words to us were.  “Marcella, he’s the cutest baby I ever saw.”  She also said, “When I get well, can I come out and stay with you?”  Her folks were quarreling and soon separated.  She passed away that night.  I loved her very much.

When Jack was very young, we noticed he held his head to the side somewhat.  A doctor’s examination showed a “wry neck” or a shortened tendon.  When he was three, we took him to Iowa City for surgery.  The tendon in his neck was spliced 1 3/4 inches so he could hold his head up straight.  He wore a cast for 3 months but accepted it very well.  He was a very happy, well adjusted little boy and never complained.  I can recall very few unusual incidents in his early years .  He was very bright and learned easily.  I remember how early he talked and how easily he could tell the names and sounds of the animals on his blocks.  His ready smile, winning way, and good humor, as well as his good looks, caught the hearts and attention of most adults.

Jack attended our country school for eight years.  he was a very good scholar and certainly won the attention of the girls.

We started both boys in piano lessons early.  Their first teacher was a maiden lady named Katherine Frangrva.  Lessons cost 25 cents an hour.  Jack was a natural music lover and had advanced teachers, was in band, and took part in a little swing group in high school as a pianist.  He also played the french horn in band.  After high school, he took two years of music at Drake University in Des Moines.

Jack was very popular with the young ladies all through school.  Both boys were very neat and particular about their clothes, hair, and general appearance.

Both of my boys learned to keep house and cook.  Everyone had their responsibilities, whether it be to carry in cobs, wood, water, or help with chores.  Our home still had outdoor plumbing, heating, and cookstoves but it was always full of kids from town as well as adults.

Another of my little ones grew up and left home.  It was very hard to see them go.  He and Bev can fill you in on the ensuing years.”




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